Spring Workshops

Jump into the fun of Spring with  an event at the greenhouse! 

Container Flower Gardens

Ahh, spring! 
    Enjoy getting back into the soil by designing  and creating a flower container with as much or as little help from us as you would like. Stroll the greenhouse to choose plants and get the first picks of varieties. You can take it home or you can leave it with us to plant sit until your ready to put them outside on May Long.  
The workshop fee includes our caring for the planter, as well as the workshop, soil,  snack and coffee and our help to create the planters.  Containers  and plants are extra. 
Bring your own container or choose one to purchase from our  inventory. Soil is included in the workshop price.

Date: Sunday, April 17
Time: 1:00 pm until 3:00 pm
Cost: $25.00 + ingredients