Indoor Forcing Bulbs

A great way to bring colour to your indoor world is with forcing bulbs. Our prepared bulbs make the job easy to be successful. Most bulbs require some weeks in a cool place to fool them into thinking winter has already happened and spring is on its way and it is time to bloom. 
But with our prepared bulbs the chilling time has already been done. Simply place the bulb at any time of year in soil mix or on a hyacinth glass and you will see the start of growth soon. 

Hyacinth is a bright and fragrant bloom to cheer any winter day. Available in a kit of your colour choice of blue, pink or white. Kit contains instructions, forcing glass and bulb. A fun project to do with kids as well, watching the roots reach down into the water to grow. 

Chinese Sacred Lily : An easy to grow bulb that adds a note cheerfulness to indoors in winter.

Tulips: Tulips are great for indoor forcing. Save bulbs in the fridge for the winter and plant in a pot of soil in the house in winter, they will give a blush of welcome colour in early spring.  Continues to grow as a houseplant for spring and plant out in the garden bed when planting annuals for blooms in the garden the next spring.